Service Standards And Commitments

Service Standards And Commitments

Service Standards And Commitments

Council will endeavour to ensure that all its clientele have equitable access to the services that Council provides without discrimination based on gender, political affiliation, race, religion ethnicity or place of origin.

Council affirms that all its clientele have access to full and accurate information about the services they are legitimately entitled to from Council and the costs of providing such services..

Council will strive to ensure that it always consults its clientele regarding the type, frequency and quality of services delivered to them

Council pledges to treat all its clients with courtesy and respect for human rights, regardless of one’s social status.

Council will uphold a high standard of accountability, constitutionalism, democracy, diligence, efficiency and effectiveness, fairness/impartiality and objectivity in decision –making, honesty, humaneness, integrity, justice, patriotism, political neutrality, professionalism and transparency. The organization will also uphold a zero-tolerance attitude to corruption.

All enquiries and complaints shall receive an empathetic ear and a quick response. If an instant responses cannot be given, we will ensure that all enquiries and complaints are responded to within a reasonable time or two weeks at the latest.

Council affirm that it will uphold that the highest standards of professional service delivery at all times and that service recipients have the right to complain; seek redress and demand quality services if they are unhappy with what they receive.