Why Choose Us?
Nyanga Rural District Council
Our Vision
A beacon of service delivery and corporate governance by 2030.
Our Mission
To deliver municipal and rural services to uplift the living standards of the people of Nyanga.
Our Mandate
To provide services in accordance with the following pieces of legislation .... Read More
You may also use our normal banking system with details below:

For Leases and stand deposits for all Nyanga urban except Nyangani Park Extension:
Account Name: Nyanga Rural District Coucil
Account Number: 4544-049632204
Account Branch: Nyanga

For all other payments that do not fall under the above accounts:
Account Name: Nyanga Rural District Coucil
Account Number: 4544-049632-200
Account Branch: Nyanga

For all NOSTRO payments:
Account Name: Nyanga Rural District Coucil
Account Number: 4544-049632-405
Account Branch: Nyanga

Name: Nyanga Rural District Council
Short Code: *151*2*2*61828*Amount#